Monday, January 11, 2016

Need January Host???

Hi Folks,

This Friday, January 15th is third Friday, Potluck Night.  I have not had any volunteers to Host our event.  If you would be interested, please e-mail me and let me know.

Another option, is to move back a week, since we have 5 Fridays this month, and have our Potluck Night on Jan. 22nd.  Would anyone want to Host it then?

Please let me know.  Let's start the New Year off with a place!!!  And let's get our 12 Hosts down so we know where we are and I don't have to send out "begging reminders"



Monday, January 4, 2016

Sign up for 2016 Now

We need you to pick your month.  Sign up for your turn now and select your month.
Our Potluck group meets on the 3rd Friday of the month.  We are looking for Hosts for 2016.  Guests are asked to bring a main dish, salad, or dessert, along with beverage to share.  We carry our own plates and utensils to make it easy on the Host for clean up.

e-mail me at:

Reserve your date today.

Thank you.